As you may know, I had 6 rats, and poor little guys do not live very long, 2 years is usually max. My oldest passed away about 2 weeks ago after a very long life of 2 years and 6 months.
Well, I said I would not get another because it is hard to only have them such a short time and then have them die, but they are so darned cute! So I couldn't help it.
Meet my new baby rat, Twitch! He is a dumbo hooded/variegated in a Mink color (which is a very dark gray, not black). He is very spastic now, as a baby. Extremely fast, so it is hard to get any kind of a steady shot of him. (By the way, I have some batteries etc coming for my Sony big SLR digital camera, maybe I will get some decent pictures? Let's cross fingers!)