Here is my gang that keeps me busy and on my toes. The first pic is of my Redfront (Nellie) and my Eclectus (Sadie). The second pic is Zoey (Greenwing) and Annie ( Bluethroat).
Awesome, and I know what you mean about keeping you on your toes. Sadly none of mine are ... er, um, ... ah, nice enough with each other to have any of them together on one playground.
You have a beautiful little family there.
Beautiful family. I pull my hair out keeping up with one. Are they talkers?
My Eclectus Sadie ( red and blue) talked a little before reaching maturity, but has since quit. The other talk and sing constantly, to me and each other. Quite bossy at times ( " I want my nuts " " It's bedtime" " Come mere right now" etc.) Women are like that ya know?