I realized that I can't post pics of my orchids without posting some of my pets as well!
My sister and I have pets ducks, and they are even cuddlier than cats or dogs. They watch television sitting on our laps, come in the house and crave attention and cuddling. They can stay in our laps or arms for hours on end! Sadly enough, a fox somehow got into our yard in May. All of them were killed and dragged away and we were devestated.
We loved them so much... Somehow I can't bring myself to speak of them in past tense...
We got 3 call ducks in 2004. This is a really small breed, and they weigh between 1.3 and 2lbs (pic 1:Sidney and Smokey the females and their drake Shiloh). We hand raised them and pampered them
so that's why they are so tame. The next year they/we raised their first family of 10 ducklings.(last pic and pic 2). We could only keep 4 of them!!
Pic 3 is Smokey. She LOVES cameras and my sister!!
Next is Spotty. She is very curious and also very weird. She hangs out with Lefty (pic 6) all the time and they do weird/stupid things so we call them the Silly Sisters
Pic 5 is Piggy, the son of Shiloh. He's a pig in every sense of the term,
especially with his mate Puny(pic7)! Poor puny, she is so small compared to him, we always have to rescue her!
Pics 8 and 9 our the other, bigger ducks we have. Ry the white muscovy follows us everywhere if it somehow involves food and is generally in the way of whatever we do in the yard. Canette and Caroline (the goose) were going to be 10 and 11 years old when they died. It was so hard to lose them since we grew up with them...
Sorry to ramble on and on about ducks. They are my other great love in life, before orchids even!