A Red Devil Crowntail Betta

I just got him a couple days ago, and he's gorgeous. I wasn't even planning on getting a fish that day - just the supplies to I could get everything set up first! I guess I learned my lesson... Never go into PetCo on the Betta receiving day! They had just gotten about 100 fish in, and my guy was the only black one they had. But, he was my PERFECT fish (I'd been wanting a specific patterned black CT for a long time), so I couldn't pass him up. A fish like that doesn't stay in stock for very long. So, I have him, and he's doing quite well. His colors were very muted when He was in his shipping bag, and then again in his little cup. However, they've come in quite brilliantly since I've put him in his 3 gallon temp tank. I've got a 6.6 gallon waiting for him, but its got a lot of work to do before its ready. Anyway, here's my gorgeous boy!