Originally Posted by Dorothy
That photo is the sweetest!  Too cute!
What is her vocal range like?
My sister had a rooster as a pet when she was a kid .. it use to chase the mailman - everyone made fun of him for running away from a chicken .. 
I use to sit it in my lap and hypnotize him
We use to call him Bird .. it was Peep when he was a chick.
Oh the memories .. 
She can say just about anything she
wants to say. She talks in either my voice or my husbands. She rings like the house phone or any number of cell ring tones and then proceeds to be the talker and the caller making her voice sound like it's coming through the phone.
She calls the cats by name and drives them nuts.

She also has lots of indigestion and gas!

Usually more so when we have company in the house.
I also had a chicken as a pet when I was a kid. A hen named Ba-Chick!

Yes, the memories are so sweet!
Do you think you might hypnotize Bird not to be so gassy?