Along with my orchid addiction we have dogs... there are also two ragdoll cats... Janet and Walter...
Our kennel name is Milbrose and we show and compete in assorted venues like the LGRA (large gazehound racing association) with our hound, obedience with most of the gang, rally obedience with most of the gang... and therapy work as well as field with the retrievers.
We have 5 golden retrievers, 3 flat coated retrievers and 1 Irish Wolfhound
so without further ado....
Natalie our Irish Wolfhound... she is ten months old, has a couple of Best of Breeds under her belt and is just the sweetest thing...
Kaelyn (golden retriever, Can. Champion)
Emmett (golden retriever with obedience titles, son of Kaelyn)
Connie (golden retriever, daughter of Kaelyn)
Connor (golden, Can. Champion wiht obedience titles)
Bing (son of Kaelyn brother of Connie with significant medical issues)
Cuinn (Flat Coated Retriever Am. Can. Champion)
Meir (he is working on obedience)
and finally Shalva (Am. Can. Champion Mother of Meir)

I also have a dog Alex who lives in California with his Co-owner, he will probably be the dad of Connies puppies come August
He is an International Champion and is working on his UKC championship
So that is the entire gang.... its how I spend my life... I didn't have to give birth to them and when they cop an attitude they go in their crates but they are my very best friends and I can't imagine not having the gang to come home to everyday... no matter how bad a day can be... coming home to a pile of dogs will change any bad mood instantaneously