Just spotted this section of the forum and figured I'd share.
I'll start with my dog. She is 2 years old, half bluetick coonhound, half who knows what. We assume the 2nd half contains at least part sighthound, maybe whippet, due to the shape of her body.
Up next and there's a lot of them are my fish/fishtanks. I don't have pictures of all the different fish I have but I'll do my best to take some pics and add them to this thread. All of my tanks are planted with live plants.
First up, my 29g high tech, this means high light and a pressurized co2 system injecting co2 into the water.
A few of it's inhabitants, my African Butterfly fish

There's also a school of Pareutropius buffei, not the best pic but they are the most active and personable fish I have ever owned apart from puffers. I have been able to feed these guys by hand since day one and they constantly swarm my hand and nibble my fingers when I'm working in the tank:

There is also a pearl Gourami, can't seem to find any pictures of her though so those will come at a later time.
Next tank is my 28g bowfront. Medium light, low tech, also sorry not the best picture I'll do my best to update that:

One of it's inhabitants a German Blue Ram. I have a trio in the tank at the moment.
After that is my 20L. This is just recently done establishing/cycling and is now ready for shrimp/shrimp breeding. I'm thinking of stocking orange eyed blue tiger shrimp but Crystal Red Shrimp are my back up plan:
And finally my 2g Fluval Spec. This houses a few Red Cherry shrimp and several Crystal Red and Crystal Black shrimp. The crystals have just recently started breeding. I have had one set of eggs successfully hatch so far and I have at least 3 females that are currently berried.
I also have several planted vases with no inhabitants. Well one of them will have cherry shrimp in it very soon. I may throw pics of those up later on.