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Old 02-14-2012, 07:24 PM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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My cats never turn into hissing furballs, they're very easy to read. They really don't like when I kiss them (which I have to, it's written in 101 Ways to Torment Your Cat by Mr In Cognito) but they still let me and they even purr.

I don't think the have any daily bad moods. They have more of a "super-cuddle mood" or "I'm asleep now mood" and "play with me mood". Quite naturally they also have a "run around like mad in the flat mood" and "lets creep upon each other, attack and then sit down and wash ourselves while ignoring each other mood". The last mood makes me laugh at them because they look so silly.
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Old 02-14-2012, 08:34 PM
Merlyn Merlyn is offline
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Nice blue point, Mutant ! It looks like your oriental has Siamese in him, same ears and nose as your blue point !

Had to share pix of my best buddies for 18 years !!! Both gone now but never forgotten ! Ulysses was a blue Lynx point Siamese, he had the apple head. Crosby was a black & white adopted last of the litter barn kitten. Whenever I sat in my chair they would both jump up and Crosby was a lap cat while Ulysses would stretch out right next to my leg when I scootched over to give him room, never on my lap.

Not trying to steal your thread, Mutant !
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My two cats :)-ulysses-crosby-1-1990-jpg   My two cats :)-ulysses-crosby-2-1997-jpg   My two cats :)-crosby-2000-1-jpg   My two cats :)-ulysses-1-2004-jpg   My two cats :)-ulysses-2-2004-jpg  

My two cats :)-ulysses-3-2004-jpg  
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Old 02-15-2012, 12:39 AM
mspatt mspatt is offline
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My two cats :) Female

Your babies are gorgeous!! But don't discount the effect of your orchids, either. I lost my Jasmine last Friday after 18 years--and she slept with me every night, so I know how you feel. I took it pretty hard when she finally left us, but the orchids are about the only thing that saved me from turning into flood city They still needed care... I hope you have a very long and very, very happy time with P & P,--post some more pictures, will you--but yeah, the orchids can and do make you happy,too. Enjoy all of your cats and chids...
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Old 02-15-2012, 05:36 AM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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Merlyn: All I have to say about your pictures are: Sooo adorable.

I love cats so if you want to post pictures of your darlings (I'm sorry to hear they're not with us anymore )that's perfectly fine with me.

Pelle is lilac pointed though and Prillan is chocolate spotted. The blue pointed Siamese is much darker here in Sweden than what he is and it might be different in America. She definitely looks like a Siamese since they are from the same litter. Their mother is a black Oriental short hair and their father is a ... don't remember his colours at the moment... , but he was a Siamese anyway. In their litter there were two Siamese and two Oriental short hairs born. So P&P are different breeds but siblings (how crazy is that?!) and they're registered, they've a pedigree and everything. The reason why you can mix Siamese with OSH (at least here in Sweden) is because they're practically the same breed, the only thing separating them is the colour. If the kitty gets the mask it will get the blue eyes as well and OSH are never masked and they never have blue eyes. I don't know what the term is in English but directly translated from Swedish Siamese and OSH are "cousin breeds".

Oh dear, I'm so sorry for rambling on like this...

All I can say is; don't get me started! And be happy I know nothing about orchids 'cause then you would get ramblings like the one above but featuring orchids instead.

mspatt: So sorry to hear about your loss. I don't even want to think about the day P&P are not here anymore.

I've had a period when I haven't been able to care properly for my plants so they've all died except for my Phals because those I couldn't let go completely. To reward me most of these fighters are blooming or spiking now, so yeah, they're a joy to have.

P.s. don't encourage me to post photos of P&P because then I will d.s.
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Old 02-15-2012, 09:13 AM
Merlyn Merlyn is offline
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Pelle looks like a young blue here in USA. See how white my U is when a youngster ? He got a lot darker later. In Canada (and I'm guessing UK) he's called a tabby point ! I still have a picture on my fridge of a postage stamp that was released with the face of a lynx on it and there is NO difference in the markings that U had !!! Lynx are abundant in Canada, go figure !!!

We have the same sort of thing here, I can't remember if it's the blue or the seal point that carries all the color genes. My first Siamese came from a pro bred litter. The mother was a seal and my girl was a seal and the litter of nine had 5 seals, 2 blues, a chocolate and a lilac !!! When I bred my mama later to (I forget blue or seal), she came up with a then not recognized Balinese = a long haired chocolate point !

HEY ! This is a cat thread so dispense with the "I'm sorry" for telling a cat story !!! I've been a cat lover for many, many years and I listen to ALL the stories !!!

Attached a pix of my first Siamese, Capucine (after the monkey, NOT the actress !).
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Last edited by Merlyn; 02-15-2012 at 09:20 AM..
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Old 02-15-2012, 10:55 AM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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I see. Pelle and Prillan are five years old now so I don't know if he'll get any darker, but I doubt it. When he was younger he was almost entirely creme coloured with only a touch of colour on his face, paws and tail.

In Sweden U would also be called a tabby point but I don't think Pelle has enough markings to pull it off. He has them but they're barely showing except on his tail. Now when I think about it I think I recall P&P's father being a chocolate tabby point.

Their siblings (there were four of them in the litter) were a seal pointed Siamese and a black OSH. I absolutely love seal pointed by the way, it was the first colour of Siamese I came in contact with. Happy memories. Yours is adorable too.

Balinese are the same as OSH, Oriental long hair (formerly known as Javanese I think), and Siamese; the only thing different about them is the colouring and the length of the fur.

Ok, no more apologizes!

Here are two more photos of Pelle (clinging to my hip) and Pelle and Prillan earlier today (as you can see I have a lot of windowsill to fill up).
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Old 02-20-2012, 02:26 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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I have a bit of a passion for cat colour genes, and can go on a bit on the subject!

One interesting thing.... colourpoint genes (as in Siamese) are temperature sensitive. They are born all white (evenly warm in the womb) then darken on the coolest parts of the body. They'll be darker if kept in cool conditions. Depending on where they live, you can often tell if a Siames goes out by how dark it's body fur is. In the UK ones that go out may be quite dark, and ones kept in might be near white on the body.
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Old 02-20-2012, 03:08 PM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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Though I don't know that much about cat colour genes I knew about the colourpoint genes and the fact that the colder parts of the body are darker than the warmer ones. Also, a seal pointed cat is "actually" a black one. I learned it from a program on the Discovery Channel I saw about one million years ago and I still remember it.
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Old 02-20-2012, 03:47 PM
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nenella nenella is offline
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Your Cats are lovely! And your description of their characters, what they do and how made me My cats too follow me round, always sniff at blooms/plants, tell me if ones fallen over etc etc.... they seem to 'know'. Thanks for posting & yes hope you have many,many, more years with them.
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Old 03-05-2012, 05:44 PM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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Default A crime has been commited...

Today, when coming home from university I discovered my P. 'Singolo' lying on the floor with medium scattered over it.

I was quite obviously disturbed by this shocking sight. Had the 'Singolo' heard the remarks I had made about it being ugly to my friend over the phone and decided to end its life the only way it knew how? Or had it decided to try and become a flying Phal? Or, heaven forbid, had someone given it a helping paw over the edge of the windowsill?!

I looked at the two possible culprits who were peeking at me through sleepy eyes. None of them appeared obviously guilty, but, I told myself, they're cats and cats if any know how to play innocent. While scraping up the medium and placing the shocked 'Singolo' back into its pot, I looked closer at the scene of crime for any clues about who the perpetrator could possibly be. And then I discovered it. The tell telling modus operandi of one of the suspects: the Venetian-blind cord had been disturbed. This could only mean one thing; the one with the cord obsession, the one who can never leave anything that resembles a string alone; all evidence pointed in the same direction: Prillan.

Apparently she decided to play with the cord (which she knows is strictly forbidden, but if I'm not at home I can't stop her, right?) and probably nudged the Phal over the edge with her butt. I re-potted the 'Singolo' and gave it some water and it looks fine now (as fine as it it's possible for it to look).

Prillan's punishment will be extra tummy kisses so she won't do it again.

Never mind me, I'm just plain silly...
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cats, flowers, p&p, phals, prillan

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