OK so I know we are not all cat fans, but a rescue cat that is not digging up your garden must be a plus
The story is this.
Last weekend Mark and I did a charity motorbike pet food run for our local Veterinary Practice. We took lots of pet food along for several charity's and while we were there we noticed that the had 4 cats to re-home. So us being us we went and had a look, there was a rather pretty longhair Tabby and White which we both took a shine to.
Her name was Star, we found out that her second set of human in approximately 2 years had just split up and given her back to the Vets to re-home.
She was not in the best of moods after being dumped twice and stuck in a small pen for the last 6 weeks, and scratch Marks hands to shreds.
We said we would think about it and let them know on Monday.
Well on the previous Thursday we had been to the S.O.F.A Exhibition (Society of Feline Artists) and we had bought a painting of a Tabby and White cat looking at us from up-side-down, the image was close enough to cause us some 'what if' issues and some 'I wonder' problems.
So come the Monday we agreed to take Star on.
We were driving up to a friends in Newcastle and decided that a name change was in order, so we started to write down what we liked, we thought of Andromeda or Rommi for short, and Chiana, Chi for short (pronounced Che) as it was a nice soft sound for a cat to associate with. (we are also S/ fans) We thought of a few more and discarded them as not being the right sound or worthy of a cats ears.
We picked up Chiana today at lunch time, she has growled at the dog Pasha, had a fight with Felia (deaf cat) and Shonie hasn't realised she is around yet (old cat) is living on the top set of steps at the top of the house at the moment. We haven't tried to pick her up but she comes running for fuss and follows us around the first floor at the moment asking for strokes and giving head rubs
If she eats my orchids she is slippers