After I've seen this bunny in a pet shop, I really couldn't resist. She is so sweet and gentle. I just can't explain how much I like her. I have to read about rabbit care. I had one in my childhood, long ago.
Her name is Cri Cri (rimes with Grey in Romanian, gri) but we are still negotiating.
Everything about her is tiny: tiny ears, pow, tail...
After 3 days she feels at home but I spoil her a lot
Yes, she's a dwarf rabbit She likes to jump and run and that's so new for me. She makes me smile every time. I am happy to see her more friendly every day.
Thanks for you're comments. I like to share funny pictures with other animal lovers.
She is so hard to catch in the pictures: always moving. Here I put her in the sun. A little bit scared at that moment, but very spoiled in the rest of time. I found out she is a lionhed rabbit. More and more hair is growing around here neck and head.
Second picture: from the front you can barely see her eyes. I have so much fun with her after work... Of course, she eats my slippers. They're made from natural fibers. But I feed her well
Of course, she eats my slippers. They're made from natural fibers. But I feed her well
Just be sure to keep her well fed enough that she doesn't decide your orchids might be tasty. Then you'd have to change her name to... Er, how do you say Rabbit Stew in Romanian?
I missed this thread first time around. Your bunny is so precious. I can see why you couldn't resist bringing her home.
Please do watch out for your plants and electric cords. Years ago I had a rabbit who made a midnight snack out of 3 African violets. He nibbled them all the way down to the dirt.