Hello pet lovers!
I am a certified veterinary technician in a suburb located 30 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, PA. I currently work at a veterinary hospital that has been doing adipose stem cell procedures for a few years now. Adipose stem cells are regenerative cells derived from the patient's fat that is then injected into joints and intravenously. Adipose stem cells are used to help patients with osteoarthritis, degenerative diseases, and other joint/bone pains. It has even been used to assist in some chronic skin diseases. Stem cells are regenerative cells that help repair damaged tissues. This is a non-controversial procedure because the stem cells are derived from the animal's own fat which is readily available. Previously, we had done the procedure using an outside laboratory which meant that the fat would be sampled on one day, then we would ship it to the outside laboratory where it would be processed. Then 2 days later, we would receive the sample to be injected into the patient. Just recently, we began using a new company from Australia. They ship us the kits and provided us with all of the equipment to do the procedure in-house. We are the first, and so far the only practice in the United States processing it this way. By doing it this way, it has decreased cost, and time to us, in turn, decreasing cost for the owner. We have seen AMAZING results in the pets that we have performed the procedure on. I truly believe that this will one day become common practice in the veterinary field. I also know that there is research being done in the human field as well. Just today, there was an article posted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper regarding the procedure and one of our patient's post-operative results. I feel that you all should know about this scientific breakthrough, especially if you have a pet that is in pain or discomfort. I'd be happy to answer any general questions that any of you have about this procedure, if I am able to. Remember, I am not a veterinarian, so some questions I may not know the answer to, or be legally aloud to give answers to. If you live near the Pittsburgh area and are interested in procedure, you may call our office to set up an appointment to determine if your pet is eligible for the procedure. Unfortunately, I will be leaving Animal General of Cranberry near the end of September to return to my hometown, Johnstown, because my father is in very bad health and my mother needs my help to care for him.
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