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08-22-2010, 12:19 AM
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So here's the pictures of kitty. Not named her/him yet, maybe after the bottle feeding is done. Was abandoned/separated from momma cat. Kitty is maybe 2-3 weeks old at most,eyes still closed and just dropped the umbilical cord.
The beardies are in a tank that's about 90-100 gal, the adult geckos are now in a 50 gal, the two babies are in about a 10 gal. When the eggs hatch in a week or two, they will be in a 5 gal tank. The other tanks were freebies left at the curb or given to me from another friend who had the same experience as me with fish tanks.

08-23-2010, 08:01 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Location: San Jose, CA
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OMG, that little black baby is the cutest little thing ever! I've bottle-raised several little kitties in my time, and there's a bond there that will never go away.
I rescued a black girl kitty when I was 19 who was part burmese... she loved to play fetch with me like a puppy dog.  Her name at the shelter was "Ebony," but it just didn't seem to fit her. She had a very coy, but playful and slightly mysterious quality to her eyes, so I named her Bettie, after Bettie Page and her beautiful, shiny black hair.
I'm loving all these great pictures and stories. You guys have inspired me. 

08-23-2010, 11:33 PM
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 Very sweet Pheara, great job and good luck.
Unfortunately, my little black minion that is pictured somewhere on here or another thread, failed to thrive, even after he was adopted. I believe they decided to let him go. I suspected congenital kidney or liver disease, but we'll never know.

08-24-2010, 12:23 AM
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It's the first time I've had to bottle feed a kitten, she/he has some sharp little claws. Going to trim them tomorrow, I think.
Izzie, sorry about your Little Minion.
Forgot to mention the eyes opened today.
Last edited by phearamedusa; 08-24-2010 at 12:26 AM..

08-24-2010, 09:40 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Wexford (Pittsburgh), PA
Age: 36
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These are my girls (I apologize for fuzzy photos, however, these photo's represent them all the best because they're actually looking at the camera),
Marilyn, my Manx - She's a rescue. When I was working at a previous vet hospital, she was abandoned in a carrier in between the two doors in the middle of the night. She was taken into the hospital and checked for any health issues, she was completely healthy. We're guessing she's about 4 years old.
Abigail, my Domestic Long Hair - I adopted her when I was in college. My college takes in animals that will otherwise be euthanized at a humane society. We keep them for 1 year, and in turn, we do routine blood checks, radiographs, etc. to check their health and to also get practice handling animals. In between classes, we're aloud to visit with them, as well as after school. After 1 year, they are adopted out to a student. Abby's mother was brought to the school and had a litter of 5 kittens. Abby's never seen the outside world except for school, my parents house, and my apartment, so she is a very big scaredy-cat. She is currently 3 years old.
Sara-Cat, my Domestic Short Hair. She is also a rescue. She is also my most recent addition. Sara-Cat was brought into my hospital to be euthanized a few months ago. Her owner was going to have her put down because she recently began urinating in the house. Reason being, is that the owner got a new kitten, and the new kitten was 'tormenting' Sara-Cat, so she was urinating on the floor out of spite. I asked to adopt her and the owner was willing to let me take her. She currently lives with my fiance (who's previous cat past away). It is prime living conditions for her because she is the only cat in the household. However, I'll be moving in with my 2 kitties next month, and hopefully she will not begin urinating in the house, if so, she'll unfortunately have to get her own room away from the other kitties. She also is in early kidney failure. She is 16 years old (and you wouldn't even know except for some arthritis.) The picture of her is from when she was staying at my hospital for a week before she moved into her new home.
We also have 2 dogs, Max, an Old English Mastiff and Maggie, a lab/pitt mix. Both dogs live with Nick. Soon, we'll be adding a chocolate Newfoundland puppy to the family.

08-24-2010, 01:52 PM
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Posts: 488
Would Sara-cat be considered a dilute calico? And why in the world would some one discard a Manx like that. All are beautiful and have found loving home with you.
I'm looking for name suggestions that begin "M", right now I'm just calling her/him Munchkin. Hubby says not a good name, he was leaning towards Midnight.

08-24-2010, 06:05 PM
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an M cat name from Europe : Matisse... 

08-24-2010, 10:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 85
Originally Posted by nenella
an M cat name from Europe : Matisse... 
Or Monet... or Manet... or Magritte... or Michelangelo...
Ack! Art school flashbacks!!

08-24-2010, 11:15 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Wexford (Pittsburgh), PA
Age: 36
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Sara is considered a dilute torti. Honestly, I have no idea why someone would just dump Marilyn.. She has absolutely the most personality I've seen in any cat. My only idea is that she possibly was owned by an elderly woman that may have passed away? Who knows.. As I was at work, I looked down through some M names... here's a few that caught my eye that haven't already been listed: Mabel, Maize, Margarita, Martini, Maya, Mackenzie, Mikayla.

08-25-2010, 11:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Wynter010Beauty
Sara is considered a dilute torti.
Correct. Calico- clean edges. Tortoiseshell- feathered/heathered spots.
I'm a sucker for Dilutes. My posh is a Dilute Torbie. Torbie- tabby tortoiseshell.
Though technically they are all tabbies genetically.
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