75 Gallon Freshwater Aquarium
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:32 PM
Amandalee Amandalee is offline

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Default 75 Gallon Freshwater Aquarium

Hello everyone,

Here are some pictures of my 75 gallon Freshwater Aquarium. It was recently converted from fish only saltwater to freshwater. It was a saltwater tank for about 8 years, but I had a biological crash and converted it to freshwater. Right now it is in the process of cycling so there is only 4 fish: Blue Gouramis. Later on I plan to get some more gouramis or maybe some African Cichlids, along with some more rocks. Enjoy everyone.

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Old 08-26-2009, 10:35 PM
Swamper Swamper is offline
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great job,its easy to have a biological crash in a saltwater tank.
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:39 PM
boytjie boytjie is offline
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Beautiful setup! Just a bit of unsolicited advice from someone who worked in a pet store for six years: I'd be careful about mixing African cichlids with anything else. They're pretty territorial and aggressive, and will also undertake serious "re-landscaping" of your plants and gravel. African cichlids also come from the rift lakes in Central Africa, and their water requirements are pretty different: they like alkaline water with a high pH (above 7.0-7.8), which can kill other fish.
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:50 PM
Amandalee Amandalee is offline

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Thanks, I already read up on cichlids some. The gravel I have is supposed to be suited for high ph, but I don't know if I am going to get any cichlids or not. I actually got the gouramis to help cycle the tank. But, I have kinda took a fancy to the them now.
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Old 08-27-2009, 12:46 AM
snow snow is offline
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blue gourami,s are not all that compatible as they grow. one male will be the aggressor and bully the other pnes something awfull. if you are dedermined about gouramis try pearl gouramis. they are very beautyfull and peacefull. they also loike to nibble on some plants and algae. so it,s a must. hope i could enlighten you a bit. aquarium keeping is a wonderfull hobby. done it for 60 plus years.
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Old 08-27-2009, 01:17 AM
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I too advise against housing African cichlids with the Blue Gouramis. I've been in the freshwater tropical fish hobby practically since I was 12 and have made every mistake in the book. I used to also work for pet stores (aquariums). African cichlids are too territorial and can get very large depending on which species you get.

Pearl Gouramis are a great suggestion by snow if you ever decide to trade in the Blues.

If you decide to keep the Blue Gouramis, I would not get any more fish. The Blue Gouramis can still get larger believe it or not.

I also have to make some comments about fish only saltwater tanks...they will ultimately fail in the long run, every single one of them.

It's not natural. The fish are actually pretty stressed out, but you can't see that. Saltwater fish have very complex social interactions and behaviors that most people are completely oblivious to.

For example, Fairy Wrasses (Cirrhilabrus spp.) have a much more complex heirarchy and social structure than one dominant male and several females. This is too oversimplified of a paradigm. Their true social structure is: one dominant male, a few subordinate males, one or a few dominant females, and several subordinate females. Each social network of Fairy Wrasses is actually not terribly large, only consisting of about no more than ten or fifteen individuals in one specific locality. The territory of each social network is not very large or long ranging, however, it is large enough to render most tanks under 100 gallons useless. Dominant males will only display their brilliant colors if and only if the above mentioned social structure is provided in captivity. If a Fairy Wrasse is kept in solitude out of contact with others of it's own species, they look dazed and confused, can be less active compared to if they were kept in a group and are less likely to be hearty eaters (this is kinda hard to believe, but it's true). Only when Fariy Wrasses are kept in groups will you start seeing the myriad of complex individual behaviors and social interactions these guys can have. Fairy Wrasses and other saltwater fish seem to be quite hardy if they are given a proper social network in captivity.

One other problem I've found with fish only tanks is that there isn't adequate hiding places and sleeping quarters for these fish to feel safe and secure.

Another thing I've found is that the salinity in a saltwater tank must be maintained at a higher salinity than the normally prescribed 1.023. I used to keep the tanks between 1.025 and 1.027. If the fish are kept at this salinity, you can see the colors on your fish totally pop. This is because 1.023 is the average of all the oceans in the world. In reality, the seas and oceans the tropical saltwater fish come from have a salinity closer to 1.025 to 1.027.

Then of course there's the parasite issue. They have tons of them. You just can't see them because they're transparent, especially the parasitic copepods. And no, hyposalinity doesn't help much, it only stresses your fish out more. There is a drastic difference in the markings and coloration of your saltwater fish if they're kept in hyposalinity compared to when they are kept in salinity levels closer to what they'd actually encounter. I know because when I bought fish from the wholesaler I thought they were marked and colored a certain way (because the salinities at the wholesalers are kept much lower and usually not monitored properly). When I brought them home and kept them in my tank, they looked like totally different fish.

So there you go, if you ever want to try out saltwater fish again, these are some things to consider.

BTW there's a secret to getting saltwater Butterflyfish to eat like pigs. Keep in mind, the general rule with purchasing Butterflies is that if they're young but not smaller than 2 inches, it is easier to acclimate them to captivity in an aquarium. One: select appropriate species of Butterflyfish that don't have specialized diets of only coral polyps. Two: select individuals that appear healthy and sturdy and seem to have some sort of appetite. Three: always quarantine them and get rid of their parasites asap. Four: buy them by pairing up each species that you intend to purchase of approximately the same size and only if they seem to get along with each other; then buy pairs or small groupings of other species of Butterflies (at least pairings or small groupings of 3 different species that appear to be compatible with each other). Five: acclimate them properly to a tank that's large enough to house them all and provide enough hiding and sleeping places. Then watch the feeding frenzy over a relatively short period of time.

My personal record for keeping saltwater fish alive was about 3 years. It was a nano goby Eviota pellucida.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 08-27-2009 at 01:36 AM..
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Old 08-27-2009, 09:22 AM
Junebug Junebug is offline
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Your tank is beautiful and I can understand your interest in Cichlids. I too would not recommend putting them in a tank with plants or other species of fish.

I've had experience with two varities and I loved them. My first Cichlid was a severely tail bitten Jack Dempsey. The pet store had isolated him from other fish because he'd been picked on so badly and customers didn't want him because he had no tail. In my eyes he was still beautiful so I bought him and named him "Buttless". I raised him in a solitary environment and he interacted with my family by swimming close to the glass and following our movements. He also took food from our hands. When was about 5" long when he suddenly developed buoyancy problems and died. I really don't know why this happened but it may have had something to do with his increased size and lack of a tail.

My other Cichlids were a pair of Red Tiger Oscars. They were real pets too and exhibited the same types of human interaction. I lost each of them on separate occassions when they lept out of the tank after my children forgot to close the lid. They were about 7" long when they died.

I'm not familiar with all varieties of Cichlids, but the Jack Dempsey and Red Tiger Oscars were great pets and I highly recommend them. You've gone to a lot of trouble to decorate your tank with plants and stock it with other fish (Cichlid food) but if you really want Cichlids then go for it. Maybe the pet store would exchange your fish and plants for a Cichlid.
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Old 08-27-2009, 09:44 AM
Bird Song Farm Bird Song Farm is offline
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Originally Posted by snow View Post
blue gourami,s are not all that compatible as they grow. one male will be the aggressor and bully the other pnes something awfull. if you are dedermined about gouramis try pearl gouramis. they are very beautyfull and peacefull. they also loike to nibble on some plants and algae. so it,s a must. hope i could enlighten you a bit. aquarium keeping is a wonderfull hobby. done it for 60 plus years.
Hi Snow,
I had no idea you were a fish keeper! You need as deep a pocket as an orchid grower!!

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Old 08-29-2009, 12:16 PM
PitcherASAMD PitcherASAMD is offline
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Very beautiful set-up Amanda! Can't wait to see future pics with more fish!
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