Lambelkip - The Dakota view on animals is as such according to Blue Cloud -
Dakota Spirituality
“The animals speak to us,” the Lakota say. Sometimes, if a person is willing to listen and look quietly, animals will come around and bring a message. It might be a little bird in the top of a tree, a rabbit hopping by, or even an ant. Even a prairie dog who pops his head out of his hole may have something to tell us. If these animals are not respected, like the buffalo, they may disappear from the Earth. Then the Lakota and all people will be without their message forever.
Animals were created by the Great Spirit first, before people were put on the Earth. In this way, they are closer to God, helping to get Earth ready for people to live on. They were told to sacrifice themselves for others, so that people might have something to eat. The Lakota always offer an apology for killing their “relatives” the animals, and pray in thanksgiving for the food they give.
Animals are also very simple and pure. They always do whatever God made them to do. They are not going around doing bad things to their own kind. They have their own code put in them by the Great Spirit, and they always live according to that code. In the fall the geese know it is time to get together and fly south. Other animals know when it is time to dig back into Mother Earth and let her keep them warm during the winter. Animals are kind to their little ones and protect them by putting themselves in danger. They only take and use what they need to survive."
What beautiful insight!!!
A great word to name a beloved animal