I wrote a bit about my new buddy, Sully, a couple of weeks ago, but thought I'd update a bit on him.
Sully went to visit the vet two weeks ago, and it happened that the vet he saw is the very same man who originally rescued him! I'd been told he was 2-3 years old but in fact he is only about a year old! I thought that there was too much puppy in the boy to be the age stated. He weighed in at 67 pounds but should hit over 80, maybe up to 90, by the time he's done. There is no sign of the mange mites which troubled him so severely, though it's not yet known if he'll grow back much of the fur that is still missing. I personally don't care, though - Sully is beautiful!!!
He's a very sweet and affectionate boy. I believe he'd be perfectly happy as a lap dog! I've been targeted as his one person of choice but he fortunately also likes my wife and stepson. Actually, he likes about anyone, but wants to stay between me and a stranger until he is sure that the stranger is OK. (Pity my friend Terry, who was rudely informed that he shouldn't leave his chair unless he moves very slowly.) We're working on his behavior in these situations and he's good with the training.
In fact, he's been a good boy with all training. The leash training is going quite well. When he first came home he tried a few times to remove my arm from the socket but he's learned to stay at my side. Sitting when we stop is still a slight challenge, though. He's got sit and stay down completely. We're working hard on coming when I call. Sully's a smart boy and seems very eager to figure out the expectations so I'm sure he'll get it soon.
He's been great with my boy Champ, who is smaller and submissive. They play constantly (including on top of me on the bed when I'm trying to go to sleep). With my older boy, Cody, there's been some give and take. Cody is 12 and has always been King; Sully is younger and stronger, and seems to want to usurp Cody's crown. We've had a few growls and a couple of actual major tiffs (no blood drawn) and Sully seems to be learning that I'm going to step in on Cody's behalf each time.
I'm still trying to figure out how to budget in purchases of both dog food and orchids! Dog food seems to be winning....
Here's the boy: