Bettas are so cool. They have real personality. We've had a few and are amazed at how smart they are. Have you ever held up a mirror so he can see his that's funny!!!!
They flare to the tip of a black sharpie too. They do have personalities. Each is in a half gallon drum with a marble and a plastic leaf or two floating on the top of the water.
Sometimes they just stare and poke at the marble or chill under the leafe ones making bubbles around the leaf.
Siren - thanks. I don't know how old they are. I would like to try to breed eventually. But not these guys I want to breed short finned metallic silver, metalic copper, or metallic blue. In a couple of year hopefully =)
I would love to a male and female with coloring and fin forms like this one.
Ooh, that's nice, too. So are yours short-fins, then? I saw the fin size and just assumed they were young (IIRC, "regular" male bettas don't get those gorgeous long fins you see at pet stores until 1-1 1/2 years).
The metallics are soooo pretty. I've always loved the solid white and solid yellow ones, as well - I love the weird stuff.
Siren - yup theyre short finned males...there a bunch of beasts,big and bulky, next to the long finned ones i got from petsmart. I'm acutally gonna get bettas for my nephews for christmas. I'm on a tight budget this year so they each get a bow a fish and food