Not quite a pet, he thinks he owns the place
This hummingbird is actually a bully - he doesn't let anybody else anywhere near the feeder. But he is hanging around on my patio a lot. Some of these photos were taken only about 3 feet (1 m) from the little guy and he was not bothered. Other pix were a bit farther, my little pocket size point-and-shoot ultra-zoom Lumix, 30x optical zoom does quite well. Burst mode lets me get some fleeting moments. Like when he's sticking his tongue out in #2. And for 7-10, he was sitting on a plant hanger, there was one tiny hummingbird chirp somewhere nearby, and I don't know if it was a female and he was saying "Hi, toots, look at me..." or if it was a male maybe he was saying "My territory". But the whole transition from drab little bird to shining jewel happened in the blink of an eye.
For the record, this is a male Anna's Hummingbird