The KitKats are my kitty cats KC, Kandi and Rosie. KC and Rosie were adopted from the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League. Kandi sort of adopted us!
Baby KC had been abused and thrown out into the street to fend for himself. He was so thin and wary of everyone when we met him at the shelter. It took a while to gain his trust. My lovable KC passed away last year and I sorely miss him.
Kandi was a tiny stray kitten who wandered into my yard one day -- starving and sporting a nasty eye infection. I managed to get her to the vet and we wound up giving her a forever home. I named her Kandi because her coat reminds me of a chocolate swirl candy bar
Rosie was a foster kitten who was ready for adoption at the shelter. She was the most rambunctious and playful one out of the group of adoptees. I just knew she was the one when she jumped into my lap and gave me the coveted "head bump." Rosie is still a character to say the least!
KitKat KC
KitKat Kandi
KitKat Rosie
The KitKat Sisters