Buford brings his toys in to play with. Have had a few snakes, uncounted lizards, a baby dove and a half dozen roof rats mice and shrews. Took me a month to chase a roof rat down he brought in. Chewed my ice maker up to the fridge, the plastic lines on my garbage disposal, the drain and water lines to the dishwasher. The rat was eating my home.
Finally got him. Im sitting on the bed petting the cats and I smell RAT. If you have had a RAT you too know there is no other smell like RAT. He was inside a drawer built into the bed, making a home under the cats!!!
my mom is like you got 2 cats why you chasing rats around the house? I dont know but tomorrow the cats get DOG food.
sammies last picture I took of her. she was so happy here. she was a rescue from a lady down the street that died. they didnt want her bec she was mean. yeah she was mean to me for about 6 months but she came around to be a happy cat the last few years of her life. im just so glad I have the time and resources to help save a few cats.
all mine are rescues and strays from around the neighorhood.