I told you about my dogs' great orchid massacre a few months ago. I put some metal spikey things around the lowest shelf, and they haven't bothered them since...
Until a couple days ago. One of my 3 Rossioglossum Rawdon Jesters I got for my experiment was on the bottom shelf, and it's in like a 2 inch pot, a tiny little thing, and I guess it was close enough to the edge, that he could reach through the spikes and grab it. He totally ruined it.
So then I had to order another. And you can't just order one 12 dollar plant from Hausermann. The shipping would be more than the plant, so I had to buy several others as well hahahaha.
One of them is that Cattleya Hawaiian Wedding Song 'Virgin' or whatever it's called, and it's in bud, so maybe this is for the best.
Bad dogs
made me buy more orchids (or maybe they're good dogs lol)