nope use full strength. It wont hurt the leaves. Leave it on long enough to soak in to your problem areas then you can wash it off under the sink or with a spray bottle. Insects dont like it either.
Both Listerine and hydrogen peroxide can be effective on external bacterial infections - much less effective against non-bacterial pathogens or systemic (internal) infections. Listerine will have a much longer residual effect than hydrogen peroxide, if you're looking for something that can prevent infection. Neither will cause any harm on healthy external tissue except on very delicate plants. On a freshly cut surface hydrogen peroxide can penetrate pretty deeply through the plants vascular system and cause damage. Listerine is less likely to do so.
Last edited by PaphMadMan; 10-24-2014 at 11:26 AM..
Both Listerine and hydrogen peroxide can be effective on external bacterial infections - much less effective against non-bacterial pathogens or systemic (internal) infections. Listerine will have a much longer residual effect than hydrogen peroxide, if you're looking for something that can prevent infection. Neither will cause any harm on healthy external tissue except on very delicate plants. On a freshly cut surface hydrogen peroxide can penetrate pretty deeply through the plants vascular system and cause damage. Listerine is less likely to do so.
not to thread-jack or anything, but because systemic vs external was mentioned as well as crown rot on this thread...I have to say that the two times I had to deal with crown rot was with miltoniopses seedlings...When I applied H2O2, the rot expanded significantly overnight . My assumption is that crown rot is most systemic/internal and that any kind of moisture (including hydrogen peroxide or listerine) could make it worse? I sprinkled cinnamon after hydrogen peroxide, but to no avail. I've even seen it get worse with moisture from physan applied externally.
Not sure if one occasion of crown rot and treatment means anything but I had a Phal with crown rot and I poured Hydrogen peroxide into the crown daily for two or three weeks, soaking the tissue, after a couple of months the plant sent up a new crown from below the rotted area and now 6 months later is growing like a weed.