I look forward to soaking up all the knowledge here! I'm a very eager learner. If you can put up with my questions.
I have four main concerns right now that I dearly hope people can help me with. I apologize that this might be rather long.
Most pressing:
I'm most concerned about these
black spots on my Epi. Ibaguense. I bought it with a few very small ones that I was told to pay no attention to. I've had it for half a year, and suddenly the spots are multiplying, getting bigger, and two leaves have yellowed and wrinkled and come off. When I removed them, there was a dense collection of small spots under the dried sheath. They do not look like scale, and
I do NOT let water sit on the leaves.
I just bought some Fungicide with Neem Oil by "Garden Safe" that I hope will be safe for orchids, since I've heard such good things about Neem oil. I know to not let it out in the sun too soon after using that.
Should I drench it with the neem oil product I got? I tried testing it on a few leaves and as far as I can tell it didn't harm it. I'd drench during the day- and it says on a 7-day schedule.
I do not have access to a specialized orchid store that has better products. Just Ace, Home Depot.
I'd love to learn about what's going on and get some tips on how to treat/prevent! As far as I know, I do not over water- never had a problem before.
whole plant:
Next big concern- roots failing to thrive: I recently rescued a Phal that was in the trash at Safeway, because it had blasted.
The crown is beautiful, but the
very top youngest leaf got very limp after I removed some of the peat it was potted in and replaced with bark and vermiculite.

Is it possible that I hurt some roots underneath?
And it has at least ten aerial roots- I thought that was pretty good for a ~8" plant. But they are all very withered looking, which is why I was considering bagging it with some damp sphag moss. I've topped them very loosely with some moss to keep them moist while still getting air, but no improvement. They're a
light green, but the ends are broken, and continue to be shrively.
I'd love to be able to save this guy that is working so hard.
Next, somewhat minor: On my big phal, the lighter spot is an old scratch, I'm wondering about the brownish sunken bit:
Lastly, is this a healthy oncidium intergeneric? You can see some cinnamon dust, I'm more curious about the state of the pseudobulbs with deep wrinkles:
And one last niglet...Is it a good idea to
dust the roots and substrate with cinnamon every now and then just as preventative? The few times I've repotted, I've sprinkled some in the pot before I put anything in, and a little bit in the substrate.