This is my Phal schilleriana. I have had it for about 2 yrs. When I purchased it, the gower said it got "sunburned" and caused some of the brown/black spotting on the leaves. The keiki had "normal-looking" leaves. Now I have the plant that you see. The keiki has developed spots and yellowing. My fear is that this is a bacterial problem or possibly tobacco mosaic virus or ringspot virus. I have used R-D 20. Any other ideas or help???????? I really love this plant and it flowered so nicely this year!
These are the older leaves that looked like this at the time plant was purchased.
These are shots of the keiki which, up until now, was looking just fine.
Last edited by BikerDoc5968; 03-25-2008 at 12:14 PM..
Looks like maybe some spider mite damage to me, and then of coarse other problems can set in to that damaged tissue. I do not believe it is viral. Could be bacterial, but I would try to investigate the possible pest problem first just to be sure.
This one looks bacterial but it could be viral as well. If its bacterial. The new leafs and such will not get easily affected by this. If its viral your new leafs will look like this as well.
Always check for pests first. They eat your plant and spread diseases.
Your leafs are also having a deep purple tinge. Are you not sunburning it??