I have a Den. Fire Wings (Big Alex x Silver Wings). Moved it an a not so great time last summer into S/H. But it's been recovering well and pushing out new growths. This isn't really a Pest or Disease, but not sure where else to put it. The leaves that are cut off had JUST been cut. Yes, should have taken the pics before. Didn't realize I'd end up wanting some advice.
I've had two different go-rounds this winter of an electric heater fail in the basement area where they winter over. First time didn't realize for about a month. Lowest lows were around 55-58f. Then about a month ago, second heater failure, lows around 53-58f.
This looks sort of like sunburn, but it's doubtful. Lights are somewhere in between Catt, Onc, and Den optimums (covering a lot of bases, I know). Is this what too much cold looks like? I'm not a very good Den grower anyway, but I sure like this one and I've managed to keep it alive for at least 6 years. What do ya think? Cold or sunburn?