Originally Posted by Ray
It might be an accumulation issue.
Tell us about the water supply and how long since you're repotted.
I don' think the potting mixture was more than a few months old, at most. I dug up my records from those days (15 years ago). I found a note that I called the water department on December 17, 03 and received the following stats:
TDS: average 58 mil/ltr with a range from 28-132.
Potassium average 0.7 mil/ltr
Calcium average 7.6 mil/ltr
Another Manhattan grower noted at the time that the Ca/Mag levels are quite low but sodium content may be a bit high for "sensitive orchids". Also, the numbers above were averaged from both watersheds for NYC but that Manhattan (where I lived) received 90% of its water from the Croton system, which tends to be lower in TDS than the other one in the Catskills. Anyway, probably too much info but I found it interesting. A far different story here in northwestern New Jersey. It's bottled water until I can get my RO system.