I agree that testing would be required for a definitive diagnosis.
If the plant has only bloomed once like this, and you suspect adverse conditions could be the cause, isolate it from other plants and see how it performs under better growing conditions. This will still only suggest what you may want to do next with the plant. (A) It blooms poorly, with or without color break, the leaves may or may not show virus symptoms, plant may grow poorly. If this happened, I would be likely to discard it. You can still do a lab test for virus, hoping it will be negative. Or (B) next time it blooms, it blooms like a healthy plant, showing no color break. It grows well, leaves show no virus symptoms. You may still put other plants if the plant becomes asymptomatic, no sign of virus, so grow the plant as isolated. To be able to grow with other plants, it is still better to test for virus.
Good luck!