stanhopeas tend to hang on to those old leaves, and it could be the aging process....during their lifetimes. people spray chemicals of all sorts on them...there are bugs wandering thru, even birds.....I think a photo of the entire plant, including all the leaves would be more helpful in deducing virus or disease.....
also consider....are you a home hobby grower? do you have intentions of developing seed, or propagating to sell? if you do, then you should be worried about spreading virus thru your seed or flasking…..if you don't, and you just enjoy the plants and flowers for yourself, then there is no worry. the viruses show themselves in color break on the flowers....if the leaf offends you, cut it off!
most of us just want a pretty flower and we work hard to get them. of course if you plant looks very sick, kindly ask for a refund and send that plant back....kindness achieves more results than anger....peace, man!