Thanks EN and leafmite!
Is there a point at which even Harmless critters are an issue? Upon further research, I’m now pretty sure what I have are predatory Oribatid Mites. They feed on detritus and algae. But when they reach plague proportions? (Reminds me of when one gets Malaysian snails as clean up crew for aquariums which start out as a few and end up as hundreds!) in both cases indicating perhaps an overload of algae or dead matter.
That said, my orchid seems fine for sure. But to control numbers...maybe just a periodic light spray with safer soap type spray? Or just let the little guys overtake everything? Heh.
EDIT: I was also wondering, if you guys have dealt with Oribatids, if you’ve tried the trick of placing a cucumber slice on top of media to attract “excess” numbers; this is a trick in the aquarium trade as well, for snails.
Last edited by KokeshiHappyGreen; 06-20-2018 at 01:15 PM..