Originally Posted by mayipis
Humidity is at 70%. Is that okay?
This was exactly what I was talking about. With the air conditioner, your growing area is drier comparatively speaking to what it is outdoors in the Philippines, (which means without your air conditioner, it would've been much higher), but 70% humidity is a pretty decent amount of humidity. Phals can do very well in this humidity level. It doesn't need a soak.
The reason why I guessed at this is because I have friends who are Filipino and they tell me what the Philippines is like. From what they tell me, it sounds very similar to what it is like in my country of birth, your neighboring country - Indonesia. The lowlands are very humid and warm. Without air conditioning, a few minutes after taking a shower, it doesn't feel like you've taken a shower because it is so hot and humid.
Originally Posted by mayipis
Thank you for your feedback  The room is usually airconditioned so it doesn't get too humid. I usually soak it for 3 mins. I put my pot with drainage in a decorative pot and make sure it doesnt overflow or hit the rim. I water once a week or sometimes it takes me more than a week before i water. I wait for the roots to get white-ish/silvery before i do. It seems to be doing better after i put the cinnamon in. I dont smell anything funky as well so im not really sure what cause that leaf to fall off.
I don't think it needs a soak. You're also using LECA or Hydroton or whatever brand of expanded clay pebble that is. It is getting a lot of water already. Maybe change the potting media out for one that doesn't retain as much water.