Most of the ones that I have suggest they're systemic when applied by spraying. Perhaps it's easier than saying translaminar movable. So, keeping in mind the underleaf spraying close to dawn, would this be a good idea? Thanks.
L.E: "Translaminar insecticides penetrate leaf tissues and form a reservoir of active ingredient within the leaf. This provides residual activity against certain foliar-feeding insects and mites. Because the active ingredient can move through leaves, thorough spray coverage is less critical to control spider mites, which normally feed on leaf undersides. Insecticides/miticides with translaminar properties include but not limited to abamectin (Avid), pyriproxyfen (Distance), chlorfenapyr (Pylon) and spinosad (Conserve). In general, these types of materials are active against spider mites and/or leafminers."