I am guessing this is algae on the leaves. Is this a new purchase or have you been growing it for some time? The picture is pretty good and it looks like algae to me. I’ve had plants with this and you can wet the leaf and gently rub and the algae comes off though not completely. Even lightly rub with your fingers.
I’ve never liked the look of it and I would assume it is unhealthy for the plant to be covered in algae. If this is due to your conditions, it maybe too wet/humid, not enough air circulation. If you received the plant like this, chances are the new growths will be algae free provided you are not growing in very humid, wet conditions.
Try to rub it off gently after moistening the areas. Hope that helps.
I love Pleurothallis grobyi, it is a great little miniature and good grower. The red speckles on the back of the leaves are too cute.
Last edited by Pattywack; 11-20-2017 at 06:27 PM..