Paphiopedilum Sanderianum seedling with brown spots on leaves
I've bought a Paph. Sanderianum seedling (5") and got it last week, put it into my little green house with humidity about 60% and temperature around 25° Celsius (77° Fahrenheit). Watered with RO water and orchid fertilizer up to 150 µS.
Today noticed these brown spots on leaves and I'm sure they were not so strong visible at the time I got the plant. Will make photos periodically to observe if they will change over time. And on the left leaf it has impressed marks - is this normal? Have Paphs other species but without such 'things' on their leaves.
Anyone have an idea what could be the cause for this? Stress? Infection?
Last edited by katzenhai2; 03-09-2008 at 02:36 PM..