Paph bottom leaf turned Brown from base up to tip..
My paph did something weird in that the bottom leaf turned brown but not from the tip to the base but the reverse... base to the tip...
I read that it is common for these plants to lose the bottom leaf while the plant is in bloom but i found it weird that it wasn't turning brown from the tip down..
The spike that came up also turned brown and the bud died as well... they started out green but then turned hard and brown.. so i cut it off..
on the plus side their four leaves and they are green as ever two on one side and two on the other in a fan spread...
so just wondering if the basal browning is from rot or is that natural senescence?
Yup, same here. My lowii has one growth in bloom, and the older one just lost 3 leaves. They browned from the base, then it spread to the end of the leaves. I cut these leaves, and it doesn't seam to spread or anything. That growth still have 4 nice size leaves. I'd love to know what could be the reason for this.