I think there's some confusion about which phal I was posting about. The one in the thread "Finally pics of problem phal" is about a phal I've had for several years. Around 4. It has been with 12 other phals on my counter under LED track lighting from Orchid Web. Up until recently, it, as all the others, have been doing very well. I have 7 all spiked and blooming. I have never had a better year than this. This particular phal started to exhibit that off color last year, and I just didn't really think it was a problem. It continues to put out new leaves and new roots. The one I think your referring to that I just repotted was a Sogo Yukidian that I'd just purchased from Ebay. Any time I receive an orchid that it tightly packed in moss, I repot in a mix of Orchidata, spag moss, charcoal, and fir bark. I have yet to have a problem with them acclimating. Anyway, this Sogo had few viable roots, probably due to it's being so tightly packed in moss, and likely overwatered, but it was only after I repotted it, like 10 minutes, that I took notice of the condition of the leaves. This phal I am 99.9% sure had either a virus or something comparable. I couldn't risk the health of my other orchids, so I destroyed it. The seller has refunded my money. I am going to cut off this leaf, continue to treat it with physan 20, and if the other leaves continue to show signs of what ever this is, well, it may be time to let it go. I do have it isolated in another room.