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Old 06-10-2017, 08:19 AM
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Actually, that is not really a true Den phal hybrid...

This is probably Dendrobium Burana Green Star or a NOID that was bred to be it or like it.

If it really is Dendrobium Burana Green Star, then...

It is a complex Dendrobium hybrid that mostly contains species in the section Spathulata in its heritage.

It is only a tiny percentage Dendrobium in the section Phalaenanthe.


With a complex hybrid like this, I don't really know if it truly has a dormancy or not. Nor am I sure whether it has a tendency to behave like a Dendrobium in section Phalaenanthe and express some behavioral traits that are unlike those in section Spathulata or not.

I can tell you what I know of Dendrobiums in sections Spathulata and Phalaenanthe.

Normally, Dendrobiums in section Spathulata do not have a dormancy.

Normally, Dendroniums in section Phalaenanthe do have a dormancy. In cultivation, this dormancy is often completely ignored.

Dendrobiums in section Spathulata do not go deciduous unless they were heavily stressed. In other words, losing a large amount of leaves on these plants is not a normal thing.

Dendrobiums in section Phalaenanthe can go deciduous during the winter period and this is normal.

This is a Dendrobium hybrid that is likely to handle intermediate to warm temperatures.

It likes indirect bright light.

They are able to handle a humidity range of 60% - 90%.

Hopefully this gives you a sense of where to go with your plant.

I would not be terribly concerned about losing those leaves. Being that a Dendrobium from section Phalaenanthe is in its heritage, the loss of that many leaves is not a terribly devastating thing.

Keeping it humid is a good way to make sure it will be ok.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-10-2017 at 08:28 AM..
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Old 06-10-2017, 10:29 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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It doesn't look good with all the leaves turning yellow.
Did it have good roots?
If yes, I would keep it on the dryer side watering only when the mix goes bone dry and misting just slightly in between. Not on the plant itself but any exposed roots.

When you see any new growth pop up at the base of the plant, start watering more as the growth gets larger.

This type of Dendrobium hybrids do not shed leaves all at once like this. They usually maintain for at least two three years and then start to drop one or two at a time on the oldest growths.

If it had not much roots left, then I would toss and start with a healthy new plant.
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Old 06-10-2017, 02:43 PM
arando777 arando777 is offline
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sick dendrobuim

Thank you so much for the advice

i do manage to keep the night temp at about 16c and the day about 25c, there is a electric heater at night for the outside temp is about 2 - 4celsius, there is also water in front of the heater, but the humidity is about 25 - 35%
i try to mist daily - hope that will help , i do see the keikis on some of the other dens are wilting (I think from the humidity)
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Old 06-10-2017, 04:10 PM
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If new growths on other plants are dying, they're not getting enough water. This could be caused by dead roots, or by not enough watering.

If by "keiki" you mean growths from the stems well above the pot and medium, these have their own roots, and you need to water these roots regularly, separately from the roots in the pot. If by "keiki" you mean normal growth from the base of the plant, these wilt when they don't get enough water. Even though it's winter, your temperatures are quite warm, and humidity is low. Dens making new growth need quite a bit of water, but they cannot stay wet for too long.

I suspect you underwatered the plant in the photo, or damaged roots while repotting. I would follow the instructions Nexogen gave near the top of this thread. In the future, remember that most complex hybrid Dens need a lot of water when in active growth, but it is easy to rot the roots if you keep them too wet. This is why some people consider Dens difficult to grow. In high-humidity, warm climates they are extremely easy to grow in very large chunks of bark, watered every other day. In lower-humidity or cooler climates it is tricky to get the balance between too much and insufficient water.
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Old 06-10-2017, 04:20 PM
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If your humidity is that low, it's best to consider getting a humidifier.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-10-2017 at 06:32 PM..
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Old 06-14-2017, 12:15 PM
arando777 arando777 is offline
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Thank you for all the advice since i put them on humidity trays the are doing better no more leaves falling off.

I will update again when the spring starts - hopefully there will be good news
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dendrobiums, possibly, started, wrong, yellow

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