Without a photo it is difficult to diagnose. It could be bacterial, fungal or even pests.You can try pouring some hydrogen peroxide on the spot for three days in a row and apply cinnamon or sulphur on the spot afterwards to see if that stops it. If it's fungal, hydrogen peroxide might also help or you could try physan 20. Different diseases require different treatments. Can't really offer any additional suggestions without a photo which might (or might not) help with a more definite diagnosis.
Leaf symptoms can result from many different causes including cultural problems such as exposure to cold temps even briefly, nutrient deficiencies, mechanical damage or one of the many diseases that can affect orchids whether it's bacterial, fungal or viral or, as mentioned beforehand, it could be from pests. Leaf symptoms can also be caused by problems going on with the roots. Have you checked those? As you can see, there are many possibilities.
Another member noted you are growing a warm temperature orchid in cooler conditions than what is recommended. As this member pointed out, the majority of the phals you are growing are tolerating the conditions without problems but this might be the one phal that is not. Knowing this, the first thing I would look for is symptoms a phal might develop when being grown in temps they are not usually tolerant of.
A heat mat may help keep the roots warm but I doubt if it will help with the leaves which is where your problem is developing. Would it be possible to place a small heater with a thermostat that turns on when temps drop to an undesirable level in the area you are growing your phals?
Unless someone else responds with any ideas, you can try researching the issue at either of these websites:
Orchid Pests, Orchid Diseases
Diagnosing Orchid Problems
You can also try googling 'symptoms of leaf damage to phalaenopsis exposed to cool temperatures' or 'black spot" on phalaenopsis or orchid leaf' and when the page comes up, click on images. If you can't provide us with a photo, maybe you can find an image that looks similar to the symptoms your phal has developed that might help with a diagnosis. Let us know if you find anything. Hope this helps!