Hey all, any advice is appreciated. I received this Oncostele as a gift and after a mid-pandemic out of state move to the northeast, it got neglected this year. I'm new to orchids (but exp. with nepenthes and gardening) so I want to make sure I get it right and see it bloom again - the flowers look like sliced cappicollo to me.
First off, it was in a room with radiator heat (figured warm and dry was better than drafty and dry) - so the humidity hasn't been sufficient, and it's been under timed grow lights for the last couple of months. It was potted with sphagnum moss last summer in this pot as shown. I've been fertilizing sporadically with MaxSea and a compost tea - there's been slow new growth, and honestly I'm impressed with how resilient it's been despite my neglect - but these leaf spots are hard to ignore now, I don't know how long it's been going on (still learning their language ya know).
Does this look like a virus, or bacteria? Do the spotted leaves need to go? They don't feel "wet" to me...I've read about cinnamon as treatment, but please let me know what you think.
Fungus gnats, well, aren't new to me - I've used Mosquito Bits and diatomaceous earth before, but orchids are so specialized I figured I'd double check. Thanks for y'alls time and expertise!