Got this beautiful dendrobium for my birthday at the beginning of march, think it might be Polar Fire, has quite a few canes on it and one spike flowering and since I got it a new spike grew with some buds. The leaves on 2 of the canes have brownish markings on them, they don't go all the way through the leaves, just on top or bottom. The spike that has been flowing doesn't appear to have them.
Is this anything to worry about? Top of the media is quite mossy. Should I be treating this plant with anything?
A lot of plants grown in perfect greenhouse conditions develop spots when moved to a typical home. I've noticed this before with Dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrids. Unless the problem spreads widely, I wouldn't do more than just watch the plant.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Worry about politics, the economy, or climate change, but not that plant. It is beautiful, and Den phals seldom have perfect leaves...Which eventually will fall off anyway.