WOW! Thanks a lot to you and your husband
Yes I would expect dew point to only be reached in the forests of Singapore but definitely not at home.
Currently I would only be able to water twice per day - Before work (6am) and After work (6pm).
It would be possible for me to water more than once from the 6pm-6am cycle to mimic rain. Most likely, I would water when the roots are near silvery but I'm not sure if this would pose more harm than good? Or I would constantly water the orchid every 5 mins up till an hour? Also, I've got to ensure I avoid the crown at all costs since I'm watering at night!
The 6am-6pm cycle can be watered more than once only on weekends when I'm not working. Sounds like a lot of watering to be done and sphagnum is in fact causing rot
I've tried to google ways to acclimatise orchids from mount to pot before but all I get was pot to mount. Not sure of what other ideas do I have now.
I live in a flat so exposing the phal to rain would mean I would have get to the first level and hang it somewhere and watch the phal which isn't practical.
I'll head down to the farm this weekend again and ask the grower for tips or maybe purchase a keiki from him. Hopefully he charges it cheap as I've spent on two amabilis already and I do have high hopes for my current one.
I'll google on how to read the Psychometric chart Sharon so no worries

Wouldn't want you to wreck your brains on how to explain it all through typing and try to make it comprehendable