I bought this phalaenopsis over a year ago. I live in South Florida so I grow my orchids outdoors. This one in particular stays hung in my tree.
Its gets morning sun, I thoroughly water it a couple times a week, I get an almost constant ocean breeze by my house so my orchids usually dry up pretty quickly. And it gets some fertilizer here and there. This time of year we've gotten a few very cold days between warm days.
A little extra info; on a whole scale of my collection (about 30 orchids) I started to notice what just doesn't look normal; maybe bacteria, fugal, sun damage, temperature change, pest damage, nutrient deficiency, or could just be regular damage or nothing at all, on about half my orchids.
I say all this because I've been endlessly searching online and I can't come to any definitive conclusions. One website they say one thing on another site its something different. Some of my orchids have different symptoms which makes it even more difficult. Which lead me to Orchid board

You'll probably see a post or two on my other orchids in the near future.
Anyways, back to the point. The closer speculation of my orchid collection brought me to notice this phalaenopsis with a little whitish-yellow ring with another little yellow ring in it on the leaf.
I immediately separated this one from the rest of my quarantined orchids since this seems to be what may be a virus!
I took photos of the plant and leaves. It overall seems healthy except the brown leaves which I had thought was sun or snail damage till I saw the yellow ring. It's also getting ready to bloom.
What exactly is it?
Can I cut off the damaged and infected part and hope it recovers?
Should I dump the whole thing in the trash?
And if so, is there a way I can salvage the basket it's in? Like soak in in alcohol or bleach or something?
How do I prevent future spreading (I disinfect my tools and stuff), is my yard going to be permanently tainted?
And if it has spread to another plant how long until I will see symptoms in them?