Pleione bulbs with Meally Bug
Hi all,
I received these bulbs of Pleione Berapi in early November (about the 12th or so). I kinda forgot about them and when I went to check on them today, I found lots of mealybugs on the bulbs. Fortunately I left them in the ziplock bag, so the mealybug did probably did not spread out. Although I did leave it open, but hopefully they are not that able to escape.
From the picture you can see a little white powder left behind. My question is, what chemical treatment would you suggest? I have alcohol and I have Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil. I'm afraid to rub it because the little growths at the base fall off easily.
Any and all help appreciated.
Oh and, these are my first Pleiones and not sure how to store them in the fridge.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Last edited by Tindomul; 11-28-2016 at 01:35 PM..