Hello! (Again, again, again...)
I've tried treating my masdevallia with a 1:3 alcohol/water solution to get rid of spots/issues with fungus. I've been spraying it on the leaves 2 times during one week. To keep it away from my other plants (I live in a quite small apartment), I've stored the plant in a closet. It's been in the closet for around five days. After two days in the closet I took it out to examine it after two days and one leaf dropped. Today I took it out after five days in the closet, and ALL leaves dropped except for one. The plant had about 8 leaves and now... one.
I don't know what has caused this. Perhaps it didn't like being in the closet even though I think five days isn't a long time. Maybe it didn't like the alcohol or maybe the spotting/fungus got to it.
Anyway! Do you think there's a chance of saving this little guy? I'm quite fond of this plant and would really like to save it. At the moment I'm not sure if there are any new growths on the way. There are roots, but not many (when I bought it, it had about 2-3 less than one inch roots). It's been a while since I took it out of the growing medium and I can see that it has not been enjoying it. The medium has been 100% sphag.
Here are some pictures of the poor fella:
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
Right now the plant is without medium as shown in the pictures.
Thanks for reading! I really appreciate your help.