I think this might be a tricky one.
I have inherited an orchid, pictured below.
Yes, it's a bit of a mess. It did have leaves at the crown at the right when I got it. The leaves discoloured and dropped off. One of the last ones to go is on bench, just near the pot.
I am told it was my grandmother's first orchid - possibly around 50 years old? It has probably been in that pot for over a decade, and I doubt whether the succulents are doing it much good. There is soil in with all those roots.
It looks like the stem died off many years ago, but it is now supported by roots which are hopefully still alive.
I know next to nothing about orchids, so this will either make or break me as an orchid fancier.
All advice would be greatly appreciated. Should cut the stem back? Repot it? All of the above?
Many thanks