Yours looks like it has gotten some sort of infection in the stem.

I had this happen with the one that I grew from a tiny seedling--the area where it bloomed became infected and killed my mag very quickly. I think I may have been negligent with the Calcium or flushing the pot due to being quite busy and trying to grow under lights for the first time. The new one had leaf issues but seems to be recovering. (I really hope so.)
Angraecums that come from Madagascar live in a very breezy environment which seems to translate to them being very prone to infections. Many people use a preventative with Angraecums but I have found that consistently using extra Calcium helps. They also like water of good quality (rain, RO, or distilled) as they are sensitive to salts. When Angraecums get an infection, they usually go downhill very quickly, unfortunately, but if given the right care, the more commonly grown ones are pretty easy. They are said not to like re-potting but I have never had trouble with this.
---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------
Originally Posted by estación seca
The yellowish area in the leaf picture makes me wonder about spider mites.
I saw a talk by Phyllis Prestia, who had been to Angraecum magdalenae habitat. I wrote it up here:
Desert Valley OS: Phyllis Prestia: Orchids of Madagascar
It is cold, damp, rainy or dewy and dripping, pretty much all the time, way up in the mountains. She said it wasn't much above 50 F / 10C in the daytime. Humidity was very high all the time. It grows in dense forest shade.
Madagascar is a very breezy place, too, so even with the high humidity, the leaves and roots dry quickly. The different parts of the island all have their own climate, much of it due to elevation. Knowing these two facts are the key with the Madagascar Angraecums.
Winter temperatures are cooler but summers where this one grows are warmer. I had read that they grow on rocks/cliffs, shaded by the rock/cliff. The old, now- defunct Angraecum Encyclopedia website I used as my guide didn't mention the pine forests concerning the mag. so that is new to me.