Oy Vey I found spider mites on may oldest Phalaenopsis today now my entire collection my be infected!!! Does anyone know if "worry free" powder is water soluble? It is the synthetic version of pyrethrin, I'm thinking about making a spray out of it. This is a link to it :
Worry FreeŽ : Worry Free Brand Ready To Use Dust : Overview
She was just starting to bounce back from a minor infestation like a year ago, now out of nowhere she's got them again...Oregon Orchid Society says that anything that says is safe for african violets "should" be okay for my orchids not sure I should trust that or not...has anyone tested "garden safes" insect killer as it says it is safe for "ornamentals" ?
If I do the isopropyl alcohol and dish soap do I spray the undersides of the leaves and the roots?
She's been moved to my room but I did notice a couple other orchids had some too so I think I'll have a full on infestation soon if I don't get to it quickly...