Any chance someone can ID this bug?? Doesn't seem to be affecting the plants however I do see them in a few pots and rather be safe then sorry. I do have springtails in thosé pots as well and was thinking it might be it, but those are a different color.. could it be a different variety?
My son (college student studying entomology) thinks it looks more like a mite than a bug. Whatever it is, it lacks a clear thorax. Also, apparently 8 legs instead of 6. Hard to tell for sure with the low resolution of the photo (not complaining, it's better than I could manage.
Keep in mind that not all mites are bad, some are predators on bad mites and insects. I'm not sure if yours is friend or foe.
That's a mite. I'm no expert on mite identification at all, but mites are high diverse animals and only certain species cause damages to plants. This one doesn't look like a spidermite (which is a big concern) to me.