Thanks for your informative post. It is possible that the plant was exposed to cold previous to my getting it in November. I've been back to that nursery and touched other phal leaves they've had that were cold to the touch and a chartreuse green (Mine was a similar colour when I bought it. The owner said it was due to too much light.) She admitted they'd been in a cold greenhouse and were just brought in to the warmer one.
I'm not sure if that is too long ago to be the cause of this now, but I did read that with mesophyll cell collapse the symptoms often don't show up until the plant is in/ gets stressed by warmer temps (which would be the heat mat/ T5H0 light situation).
I'm careful to water with room temp water, although, in writing about it now and thinking... I wonder if that might have affected the plant. If it's on a heat mat at 10-20 degrees higher than ambient temp and you water with room temp water, would that shock the plant?
I've removed the violacea/bellina from its old media and soaked it in water overnight (I read this could eradicate critters). I trimmed off any dead roots and it still had a mass of lovely green ones. They are less thick than other phals and a lot of them were flattened and had brown lines running width-wise across them. (If this provides any clues.) I'll repot this morning.
Any thoughts on whether to stick with sphagnum or repot in something else? I have lava rock, LECA, bark, I could mount it.
Thank you all very much for your knowledge and feedback.