How are you growing this exactly? Temperatures, lighting, fertilizer, etc.
I am surprised that no one responded but here it goes....
A few tricks to growing Cattleyas:
Plant them so that only the roots go down into the medium and water by dipping the pot into a bucket. This helps to prevent water from getting into the new growths which can rot them.
Calcium. Some Cattleyas, for whatever reason, seem to need more Calcium than other Cattleyas. I have no idea why some need so much Calcium but Black growths can often be a sign of Calcium deficiency, even when they don't seem soft on the outside.
Iron and magnesium. I find that when my Cattleyas are growing like crazy, they want more iron and magnesium (as well as Calcium). I add a little Ironite to the bottom of the watering can during the summer. The faded leaves might be a sign that they need more magnesium and Iron.
Roots. The only way I grow good roots on mature orchids is by using either leca/red lava rock and basket-type pots or Vanda baskets. If the roots are rotting, it is a sign that you need to allow the roots to have more access to air. You can encourage healthy roots by giving them a dose of a kelp/seaweed mixture once a month. I bought some this past spring because I had accidentally bought a bunch of orchids that had no healthy roots. It is great stuff.
Temperature. Some Cattleyas, depending on what their ancestry is, need warmer temperatures than others. I am not sure what your temperatures are but with the new growth, this one might need it to be warmer. Yellowing leaves and blackening new growth sometimes indicates that it is too cold.
Flushing. Sometimes, blackening growths and poor roots are due to the build-up of fertilizer. It is important, especially with red lava rock and LECA, to flush the pots very well at least once a month to prevent this. Over fertilization of any plant or 'salt-build up' can cause these symptoms.
I hope this helps. As I don't know exactly how you have been treating this Cattlyea, I am just giving you some things to consider.