As wintergirl mentioned above, most of us completely soak our plants when watering. Then we let them go almost dry before soaking again.
This is a thread that discusses one way to tell whether your plant needs watering:
Using skewers to determine when to water
The basic idea is the plant should get almost completely dry between waterings. This helps keep the roots from rotting.
Another way is to let the plant go completely dry, then hold it in your hand to see how much it weighs. Then water, soak it, and hold it again to see how much it weighs. You will soon get an idea of how dry it is by holding it. You should water just as it goes completely dry.
The watering interval varies depending on how hot it is, how low the humidity is, and how much water the plant is taking up. This is why by-the-calendar watering doesn't work. You have to pay attention to the plant and water when it needs it.