So there are 2 big box home depot / lowes stores near me and only one on online said they had plain bark in stock. No where near me had tiny terra cotta pots available, so I used two clear bottom slated 2 x 2 inch plastic seedling cups that I think fit them after I cut the dead roots. For the bark, at the store I only found one bag that looked wet and like birds nested on it. They sell out of the green house portion of their store. I see they have for a buck more the bark with the charcoal, etc. I dig in and find a bag with no signs of condensation, but when I got home to repot it was very slight but a little damp inside.

I laid the bits out on a paper towel while, I repotted and when I went to use them I felt no moisture at all. Praying for no bug eggs. I'll just be sad if I put all this effort/money in them and they die. But the repot looks pretty good.
When I opened them up I saw a little bit of green mold by two roots and some white fuzz that I washed off. A lot of roots were effected by my cinnamon or neem as I expected and became soft, so I sterilized cuticle scissors and cut those parts off. They both now have about 6 roots each instead of 12, like two weeks ago. Even though one of the roots was firm and green, once I replanted it, the vellum came loose at the base where it is black, exposing the root, but since it was nestled in there I have let it be. You may be able to catch it in one of the photos I'm posting. Will that root die off and rot now?
So I washed them in pure water, trimmed off the dead parts, nestled them in 2x2 inch clear seedling pots and picked out the most tiny bits of dry bark to slip in around them, no watering and no cinnamon on the tips of the cut roots. I did put two small shot glasses of water next to them and being by the sink helps with humidity. I hope that causes no harm if it does anything at all.
Orchid Whisperer - I will follow your watering plan. Several days to the first watering with this afternoon being Thursday would make my first watering SUNDAY morning I guess. If I see that furry mold/fungus come back the only way to wipe it all away would be to lift it out of the bark and wash the roots again I think.
I'm feeling good about this. Thank you everyone for your continued support! It means a lot!!! I may see that spike flower after all
PS - I guess I'm still too new I can't post my photos within this thread. I got "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing."
Perhaps I can post in the repotting section...